Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thankful Catch-Up

Day 2

My handsome husband and soul-mate.  He brings out the best in me.  We laugh together (mostly) everyday.  We are best friends.
 I am thankful that he finds entertainment in the simplest things- like trying to pet this fish at the Tampa Bay Aquarium that signs advised not to touch.

 He helps me to be adventurous, even though that is not my natural self.  I always have a great time on our little adventures, even if they're scary at the time.

Day 3
Our yellow couch.  I was looking for a really simple, white couch, and somehow came home with this one.  I love it, and it goes so well in our brightly-lit living room.

Day 4
My sisters and the other great girls God has placed in my life- cousins, sisters-in-laws and true friends.

Day 5
Grapefruit, my favorite, that are back in season.  As I've been looking out for things to be thankful for, I've been reminded of the variety of color, taste and texture God has given us in our food.  He could have made it plain and boring- just the basics for survival. I'm glad He didn't.

Day 6
 The occasional spur-of-the-moment, thrown-together sushi party with friends.

It was about 9:30 by the time we ate....no wonder we look tired.

Day 7

Inspirational blogs like these:

Day 8

These two books- more on them later.


memory said...

i love thankful posts! your wedding looked so pretty just by that one picture! i love the bridesmaids dresses and your dress too! THAT couch is AWESOME!... i almost died when i saw it! :) love the yellow!!

Marli said...

love the couch!!! and love your list of blessings. aren't blessings just the BEST?! ;) happy wednesday.
